Serve with ESL
We are so excited that you are interested in serving with our ESL ministry. Please fill out this form and we will be in touch with you soon!
This address will receive a confirmation email
Are you a member of Northwood Baptist or another local church?
Please select one option.
Select Option
If not Northwood please share your answer
How do you want to serve?
Please select all that apply.
Greeter - The goal of the greeter is to ensure all are welcomed well, to ensure all registration information is gathered properly, and to provide directions and information to students and volunteers.
Childcare with English practice - The goal of childcare helpers is to care for/tutor children of International ESL students; to intentionally share the love of Jesus with children and in doing so be a part of bridging cultures, building friendships, and t
Teacher - The goal is to teach English to adult internationals so they can function more fully in the US, to intentionally share the love of Jesus with ESL students, and in doing so be a part of bridging cultures, building friendships, and transforming li
Classroom helper - The goal of classroom assistants is to aid the classroom teachers by being a runner, making copies, and serving as a conversation practice partner.
Van driver - The goal of the van driver is to assist some of our students get to and from classes each week.
Ministry coordinator - The goal of the ESL director is to organize and oversee ministry volunteers and students, to provide communication to teachers and drivers weekly, and to care for students as they bridge the gap of cultures.
What day(s) are you available to volunteer?
Please select one option.
We are so excited that you are interested in serving with our ESL ministry. Please fill out this form and we will be in touch with you soon!
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